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1. Open Replicator will be used to move data from a CLARiiON array to a Symmetrix VMAX array. The
CLARiiON has not been discovered by the host from which the Open Replicator commands are issued.
Which information must be specified in the Open Replicator device file?
A.symdev=arrayid:device and wwn=CLARiiON_device_WWN
B.symdev=arrayid:device and clardev=arrayid:device
C.wwn=array id:Symmetrix_device_WWN and wwn=array id:CLARiiON_device_WWN
D.symdev=arrayid:device and clardev=arrayid:CLARiiON_device_WWN
Answer: A
2. What is the maximum number of devices that can be migrated simultaneously using Federated Live
Answer: C
3. Which technology supports Federated Live Migration?
A.Open Replicator Hot Pull with donor update
B.Open Replicator Hot Push with donor update
C.PowerPath Migration Enabler
D.SRDF Synchronous Mode
Answer: A
Killtest EMC E20-335 test, EMC Certification E20-335 practice exam are marvelous and very helpful. By studying our products, you will get to understand the theory as well as the practical part better than ever. You must read the teaching material provided by Killtest related to the subjects, which will help you to be prepared for clearing the E20-335 exam in the shortest possible time. The main goal is to produced from Killtest EMC E20-335 test, EMC Certification E20-335 practice exam to pass you in your EMC Certification.
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