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Exam Topic
1.0 Perform Initial Setup of a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Cluster 22%
1.1 Describe Cisco unified communications manager cluster architecture
1.2 Describe Cisco unified communications manager redundancy designs
1.3 Describe the requirements for Cisco unified communications manager use of DHCP, TFTP, DNS, and NTP
1.4 Determine the services necessary to support a Cisco unified communications manager deployment and activate the appropriate services
1.2 Describe Cisco unified communications manager redundancy designs
1.3 Describe the requirements for Cisco unified communications manager use of DHCP, TFTP, DNS, and NTP
1.4 Determine the services necessary to support a Cisco unified communications manager deployment and activate the appropriate services
2.0 Describe and Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Support On-Cluster Calling 17%
2.1 Configure a Cisco unified communications manager group
2.2 Configure Cisco unified communications manager profiles and device pools
2.3 Configure Cisco unified communications manager templates
2.4 Manage phones and users using Cisco unified communications manager bulk administration tool
2.5 Describe the tool for auto-registered phones support functionality
2.2 Configure Cisco unified communications manager profiles and device pools
2.3 Configure Cisco unified communications manager templates
2.4 Manage phones and users using Cisco unified communications manager bulk administration tool
2.5 Describe the tool for auto-registered phones support functionality
3.0 Describe and Configure a Route Pplan for Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Support Off-Net Calling 30%
3.1 Describe Cisco unified communications manager digit analysis
3.2 Implement gateways
3.3 Configure route patterns
3.4 Configure route lists and route groups
3.5 Implement toll-fraud prevention
3.6 Configure digit manipulation
3.7 Describe the functions and usage of calling search spaces and partitions
3.8 Implement calling privileges
3.2 Implement gateways
3.3 Configure route patterns
3.4 Configure route lists and route groups
3.5 Implement toll-fraud prevention
3.6 Configure digit manipulation
3.7 Describe the functions and usage of calling search spaces and partitions
3.8 Implement calling privileges
4.0 Describe and Configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager Media Resources 25%
4.1 Describe media resources
4.2 Configure meet me conferencing and software conferencing resources
4.3 Configure music on hold
4.4 Configure media resource groups and media resource group lists
4.2 Configure meet me conferencing and software conferencing resources
4.3 Configure music on hold
4.4 Configure media resource groups and media resource group lists
5.0 Describe and Configure the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to Support Features and Applications 6%
5.1 Configure IP phone services
5.2 Configure Cisco unified communications manager native presence features
5.2 Configure Cisco unified communications manager native presence features
Killtest Cisco CIPT1 v8.0 642-447 practice
exam covers all the practice test objectives to pass 642-447 exam. By
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is necessary for completing the 642-447 exam with all Cisco CIPT1 v8.0 642-447
practice exam that are always up to date. You will receive the highest quality
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